0. Introduction

Tired of going to the laundry house every day? You can play with the washing machines at home. However, finding appropriate resources can be quite a tough process. This is an early, immature guide for you to build your own database to play on any platforms supported by AstroDX.

Disclaimer: In this tutorial, the author assume that you are computer-literate. Readers should verify the validity and safety of everything described here before running them on their device. Readers are expected to have these abilities: 1. Working with .NET toolchains; 2. Running Node.js scripts; 3. Use PowerShell Core; 4. Basic knowledge in reverse engineering of Unity programs. The author is not affiliated with any of the parties mentioned in this guide, and is not responsible for any actions readers have made. You are on your own now. Proceed with caution.

Software needed:

Resources may be helpful:

1. Getting initial resources.

This part is quite straightforward if you know where to find. The process of searching for related resources is not described here.

Expected artifacts:

  • ^.+\.vhd$: Hard disk image in vhd format.

2. Create chart files

Mount vhd file you have obtained above. We assume that you mount it as X: hereafter.

Download and build MaichartConverter. Run this command to convert .ma2 files to ^(.+)\\maidata.txt$ Simai charts, where the first capture here is the score name:

PS > MaichartConverter.exe CompileDatabase -p="X:\Package\Sinmai_Data\StreamingAssets\A000\" -o "<OUTDIR>" -f="simai" -g=6

See the help of MaichartConverter for more info about these parameters. Basically, it will generate a bunch of folders under <OUTDIR>, each of these folders is named after a score and contains a maidata.txt score file. Copy all of these into a folder named chart.

Expected artifacts:

  • <OUTDIR>\\chart\\[1-9][0-9]*_.+\\\maidata.txt$: Generated charts.

3. Obtain magic key

Refer to https://estertion.win/2019/10/%e6%9c%89%e5%85%b3%e4%ba%8ecriware%e7%9a%84%e4%b8%80%e7%82%b9%e6%9c%80%e7%bb%88%e8%a7%a3%e5%86%b3%e6%96%b9%e6%a1%88/ for more information on this topic. We will not cover it here.

Once you have obtained the magic key (which is a uint64_t decimal), convert it into Hex format (like 0xdeadbeef11223344). We denote this as <KEY> hereafter.

Expected artifacts:

  • <KEY>: Magic key in hex format.

4. Extract music and video

Run this script:

$MusicPath = "X:/Package/Sinmai_Data/StreamingAssets/A000/music"
$SoundPath = "X:/Package/Sinmai_Data/StreamingAssets/A000/SoundData"
$MoviePath = "X:/Package/Sinmai_Data/StreamingAssets/A000/MovieData"
$ChartPath = "<OUTDIR>/chart"
$OutputPath = "<OUTDIR>/maiout"
$EncKey = "<KEY>"

Set-Location -Path $OutputPath

$tmp_dir = $OutputPath + "/tmp"
if (Test-Path $tmp_dir) {
    Remove-Item "$tmp_dir/*" -Recurse
else {
    New-Item -Path $OutputPath -Name "tmp" -ItemType Directory

foreach ($d in Get-ChildItem -Path $MusicPath -Directory -Filter "music*") {
    Set-Location -Path $tmp_dir

    $music_name = $d.BaseName
    $garbage = $music_name -match "^music([0-9]{6})$"
    $music_id = $Matches.1
    $music_id_int = [int]$music_id
    if ($music_id_int -ge 10000) {
        # maimai DX files
        $garbage = $music_id -match "^01([0-9]{4})$"
        $music_id = "00$($Matches.1)"
    $sound_path = "$SoundPath/music$music_id.acb"

    if (-not (Test-Path $sound_path -PathType Leaf)) {
        Write-Error "Sound file not found: $sound_path"

    $metadata_path = "$($d.FullName)/Music.xml"
    if (-not (Test-Path $metadata_path -PathType Leaf)) {
        Write-Warning "Metadata not found: $metadata_path; ignoring"

    node ~/CriTools-master/src/index.js acb2wavs -k $EncKey -o $tmp_dir $sound_path
    ffmpeg -i "$tmp_dir/stream_1.wav" -codec:a libmp3lame -qscale:a 2 "$tmp_dir/track.mp3"
    Remove-Item "$tmp_dir/stream_1.wav"

    foreach ($c in Get-ChildItem -Path $ChartPath -Directory) {
        if ($c.BaseName -match "^$($music_id_int)_.+$") {
            $chart_folder_path = $c.FullName
    $chart_path = "$chart_folder_path/maidata.txt"
    Copy-Item -Path $chart_path -Destination "$tmp_dir/maidata.txt"

    wannacri extractusm "$MoviePath/$music_id.dat" -k $EncKey

    $movie_export_path = "$tmp_dir/output/$music_id.dat/videos"
    if (-not (Test-Path $movie_export_path -PathType Container)) {
        Write-Warning "Exported movie not found: $movie_export_path; ignoring"
    $movie_file = Get-ChildItem -Path $tmp_dir -Filter "*.ivf" -Recurse
    $movie_file = $movie_file.FullName
    ffmpeg -i $movie_file -crf 28 -preset slow "$tmp_dir/pv.mp4"
    foreach ($r in Get-ChildItem -Path $tmp_dir -Directory) {
        Remove-Item $r.FullName -Recurse

    Set-Location -Path $OutputPath
    Copy-Item -Path $tmp_dir -Destination "$OutputPath/$music_name" -Recurse
    Remove-Item "$tmp_dir/*" -Recurse

Remove-Item $tmp_dir -Recurse

You will find that various folders are created under <OUTDIR>\\maiout\\ with the names like ^music[0-9]{6}$.

Expected artifacts:

  • ^<OUTDIR>\\maiout\\music[0-9]{6}\\$: Generated song packs.

5. Sort and import

Run Sort-Maidata-Scores-By-Genre.ps1 from my script-collection:

PS > ./Sort-Maidata-Scores-By-Genre.ps1 -Path <OUTDIR>

You can see all these charts are categorized into folders. Now copy all these files to your platform according to instructions given by https://github.com/beerpiss/astrodx-guide.

Congratulations! You have a working database now. Try to play with it at home without hassles!